
Online Classroom UX Research


About the research

Today as never before the technology is immersed in the daily life of people. However, this reality is not always reciprocal with what is experienced in contemporary university classrooms.

The Internet appears as a space with a myriad of resources, but these can add new levels of complexity to the teaching task instead of simplifying it.

The present study seeks to provide an X-ray of the current teacher’s software market; facilitating different alternatives of technological resources to satisfy the different needs and objectives in the academic classes.


• Provide teachers with a simple and visual tool to analyze the performance of their courses, groups, and students.
• Offer teachers resources that allow them to easily organize their curricula and academic schedules.
• Provide a solution that can contemplate the integration of the different quality digital resources that are available in the market.
• Provide interaction and communication tools that allow recreating the classroom from a virtual environment.
• Provide a tool that allows unifying all the learning contents of the different subjects.
• Propose continuous innovation tools focused on motivation and in improving student learning.

UX Discovery Process

Multiversity seeks to provide a virtual space that facilitates and enhances the continuous exchange between people.

The research pursues the primary purpose of establishing the characteristics, benefits and disadvantages of the current educational software market. For
then, based on it, lay the foundations of a functional software proposal that can be superior to the current offer.

Proposal of software that seeks to be an initial kick so that over time and the continuous work of expert teams in multimedia, teachers, and students, may come perhaps to create the multimedia classroom of the future.

Language: Spanish
